Tuscan Roman Tile PV

Item Number: IS005

Photovoltaic module shaped as architectural element, made of non-toxic and recyclable polymeric compound in which are embedded monocrystalline silicon cells.

Monolithic element that accurately reproduce the typical aesthetic of clay flat roof tiles that are mainly used on Central Italy roofs.

Technical and economical information

Module specs

Dimensions45 x 33 x 29 x h 2,5 cm
Nominal power16,57 Wp
Weigth2,20 kg
Maximum static load500 kg
Unit price82,10 euro taxes excluded

Sizing example

Nominal power1 kWp
Quantity of Invisible Solar modules42 Rooftiles + 42 Tuscan Roman Tiles
Installation area7 sqm
Price5.271,00 euro taxes excluded

Attention: real sizing can be different according to the installation conditions and must be calculated by a professional technician.

Main features


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